Christmas and Winter Lights: (Japanese version only) (Japanese version only)

Friday, January 6, 2012


According to system of 24 seasonal divides that originated in ancient China, today is the second coldest day called Shokan(小寒) and February 4th is the first day of spring called Rissyun(立春.) It's very cold during the period from Shokan to Rissyun. January 21st is the coldest day in winter called Daikan(大寒) this year. We are having a cold and snowy winter this year.

ladder trucks of Kobe City Fire Department

Dezome-shiki(出初式, The New Year parade of fire brigades) is an event of the first work day of the new year held by fire fighting officials in early January.

Kobe City Fire Department helicopter rescue demonstration

Dates of the event differ from region to region. The event includes modern firefighting demonstration, traditional firefighters' acrobatic performances on ladders and performances by fire department bands.

water-discharge exercise by Kobe City Fire Department fireboats
The Tokyo Fire Department holds dezome-shiki on January 6th and it is broadcast on NHK every year.

water-discharge exercise by Kobe City Fire Department firetrucks
It is said that the event dates back to 1659 when firefighting demonstration was held by firefighters under the control of direct retainers of the shogun at Ueno Toshogu Shrine on the fourth day of the 1st month.

Kobe City Fire Department Band

Himeji Fire Department color guard

traditional firefighters' acrobatic performances on ladders

performance at Kakogawa City Fire Department dezome-shiki

firemen's standards at the Himeji Fire Department dezome-shiki

performances at the Himeji Fire Department dezome-shiki

performance at the Kakogawa City Fire Department dezome-shiki

photos by 神戸観光壁紙写真集

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