cherry blossom forecast:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Autumn colors in November

Although the snowy season has already started in cold areas, we can still enjoy autumn foliage in many areas.

At the following spots, autumn colors are now at their peak.

Korankei Gorge(香嵐渓) in Aichi Prefecture is one of  famous autumn leave viewing spots. I'd like to go there once at least.

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

photo by Syaraku
photo by Syaraku

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Enkianthus perulatus (満天星躑躅, dodan-tsutsuji) at Ankoku-ji Temple(安国寺) in Hyogo Prefecture

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photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Enkianthus perulatus at Eisho-ji Temple(永昌寺) in Hyogo Prefecture


Tanzan Shrine(談山神社) in Nara Prefecture

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photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Shoryaku-ji Temple(正暦寺) in Nara Prefecture

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Kongorin-ji Temple(金剛輪寺) in Shiga Prefecture
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photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Eigen-ji Temple(永源寺) in Shiga Prefecture

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photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Hyakusai-ji Temple(百済寺) in Shiga Prefecture

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Saimyo-ji Temple(西明寺) in Shiga Prefecture

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photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Ishiyama-dera Temple(石山寺) in Shiga Prefecture

Sandankyo Valley(三段峡) in Hiroshima Prefecture

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Kogen-ji Temple(高源寺) in Hyogo Prefecture


photo by 神戸観光壁紙写真集

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Zuihoji Park(瑞宝寺公園) in Hyogo Prefecture


photo by 神戸観光壁紙写真集

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Harafudodaki Fall(原不動滝) in Hyogo Prefecture


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Kaochidani Valley(香落渓) in Mie Prefecture


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Komyozen-ji Temple(光明禅寺) in Fukuoka Prefecture

autumn leaves and shikizakura(四季桜) in Obara, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture

Shikizakura is a cherry tree that blooms in spring and autumn.  The cherry trees will be in bloom until the end of November.

Obara Tourism Association:

Rurikouin Temple(瑠璃光院) in Kyoto

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

    other viewing spots in Kyoto:

         foliage season in Kyoto1
         foliage season in Kyoto2

photo by 神戸観光壁紙写真集

Mount Yotsugi(世継山) in Hyogo Prefecture

photo by 神戸観光壁紙写真集

Mount Rokko(六甲山) in Hyogo Prefecture

Autumn colors past peak at the following spots.

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Taishakukyo(帝釈峡) in Hiroshima Prefecture

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Nakayama Shichiri(中山七里) in Gifu Prefecture


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Shimonjo Large Ginkgo Tree in Kumamoto Prefecture


Autumn colors are changing at the following spots.

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Keisoku-ji Temple(鶏足寺) in Shiga Prefecture

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Dondo Dam(呑吐ダム) in Hyogo Prefecture

photo by

Akizuki Castle Ruins(秋月城址) in Fukuoka Prefecture

The ginkgo trees along Gaien-dori in Tokyo are changing colors. They will be at their peak around the end of November. The Ginkgo Festival will be held between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from November 17th to December 9th around the street this year.
Autumn colors are near peak in Tokyo and Yokohama.


  1. Hi Ichinen! Oh, how I wish to see these beautiful autumn colors in your wonderful Japan. I really wish I could be there to see.
    Over here in Holland we had an Indian summer: it means hot temperature for this time of the year (autumn) and now we see the trees with the most beautiful colors, but now they are loosing their leaves. So we also had the joy of beautiful colors.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Greetings, Ilona

    1. In Japan, the foliage season started later than usual because of lingering heat in September this year. We will be able to enjoy autumn colors until mid December in city centers.

  2. I've never seen the autumn foliage in Japan, not yet, but those pictures are truly fantastic. Some places are popular for autumn colors in Canada but those pictures look better than anything I've seen here!

    1. I have seen Canada's magnificent autumn colors on TV. In Japan, autumn leave viewing spots include many temples and shrines.
