cherry blossom forecast:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Higan and spider lilies

Two periods of seven days including the spring or autumn equinox are called Higan(彼岸), which means "the other shore" or Buddhahood. Higan went from September 19th to 25th this autumn.

We visit our family graves to pray and make offerings of flowers and incense during Higan. I went to my family grave in a temple today. Although many flowers were placed on graves, there were few people because it's a weekday.

spider lily flowers in my family temple

The spider lily is called Higanbana(彼岸花) because its blooming season coincides with the Higan period in autumn. However, spider lilies are late in blooming in recent years. I only saw two spider lily flowers in my family temple today. We often see the lilies growing around rice paddies and cemeteries.

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Spider lilies in Kinchakuda(巾着田), Saitama Prefecture will be in full bloom from the end of this month to the beginning of October.

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Butsuryu-ji Temple(仏隆寺) in Uda, Nara Prefecture

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Butsuryu-ji Temple

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Taka-cho(多可町), Hyogo Prefecture

This year's newly harvested rice is coming to market.
The rice from Fukushima Prefecture is also going on the market. Every bag of newly harvested rice in Fukushima is tested for radiation. The rice from Fukushima is available at the rice shop in my neighborhood.

The emperor harvested rice for Niinamesai by his own hands in the paddies of the Imperial Palace on the 24th. It's an annual event.

terraced rice paddies and spider lilies in some areas

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Asuka Village(明日香村, Asuka-mura) in Takaichi District, Nara Prefecture

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Asuka Village

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Asuka Village

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Asuka Village

photo by 高画質壁紙写真集無料壁紙

Asuka Village

Photo by

Hoshino Village(星野村, Hoshino-mura) in Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Photo by

Hoshino Village

Photo by

Kurogi Town(黒木町, Kurogi-cho) in Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture  

Photo by

Kurogi Town

Photo by

Kurogi Town


  1. Hi Ichinen, it was a long time ago I've visited your blog, I am sorry, but real life kept me busy.
    Thank you for posting these gorgeous pictures of the spider lilies, they are awesome!
    Greetings, Ilona

    1. Thank you for your kind comments, and I am sorry I didn't reply to your previous comments. I was concerned about it. I remembered some books of making Japanese miniatures upon my shelves at home. I'd like to introduce you them some day.

    2. Thank you so much for this idea, Ichinen!! It would be so kind of you to show those books with the Japanese miniatures, thank you. My miniature tea house is still in progress: real life kept me away from working on it. The miniature mizuya is almost finished, only the roof still has to be done. I've shown it on my blog) and now I am trying to find any good information about the tea room it self. I want to make this room with all supplies for the month of the cherry blossoms are blooming (was it March or April?).
      If you want to email me about the Japanese miniatures books, my email is under the header of my blog.
      Thank you for answering, Ichinen, I really appreciate that.
      Greetings, Ilona

    3. Ilona, sorry for not replying sooner.
      I found some websites and blogs about the tea room including its roof. They include many images but are Japanese version only. I will e-mail you with their addresses. My email address is (not ichinen).
      I'll tell you about the Japanese miniatures books some other time.
