Christmas and Winter Lights: (Japanese version only) (Japanese version only)

Friday, February 26, 2010

the first spring storm

Haru-ichiban(春一番) is the first strong south winds of the year between Rissyun(立春:the first day of spring,Feb 4th this year) and Syunbun(春分:spring equinox,March 21th this year).
The Japan Meteorological Agency said haru-ichiban(春一番) blew in many regions on Feb 25th. The temperatures has risen in many parts of the country. This rise in temperature was caused by a high-pressure system over the Pacific Ocean.
In Tokyo, high temperatures was 18.3 degrees centigrade, the same as in mid April. Haru-ichiban(春一番) with gusts of up to 14.4 kilometers per hour blew 12 days later than usual.

Tokyo Bay area was wrapped in a dense fog yesterday, so it affected airline departures and arrivals. It's unusual in dry urban areas recently.

when all is said and done, the women's figure skating competition at the Vancouver Olympics was the only topic of conversation in Japan.

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