
Thursday, June 9, 2011


The Ritz-Carlton Kyoto will be constructed on the site of the Hotel Fujita Kyoto. A founder's wooden villa called Ebisugawa-tei(夷川邸) on its site will be demolished, but its parts having historic value such as ranma(欄間, architectural details like a transom) will be preserved.
The villa with a Japanese garden was built about 100 years ago. People living in Kyoto feel sorry to miss the villa.

Satsuki(皐月) is a type of azaleas. They are still blooming here and there. They are often used as a foundation plant. Satsuki is also one of typical bonsai subjects.

Satsuki(皐月) means the 5th month in Japanese. The name of the plant is derive from the fact that the 5th month in the lunar calendar corresponds approximately to its bloom time from mid-May to mid-June.

Bonsai exhibits of Satsuki are held around the end of May.

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