
Friday, January 1, 2021

new year 2021

 Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year! 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, my mother was hospitalized because of dehydration in February, because of pneumothorax and pneumonia in November. She remains largely stable now. She is not a COVID-19 patient, but meeting is restricted. In her hospital, we are permitted to visit a patient 10 minutes per week. 

2021 is the Year of the Ox according to the Chinese zodiac. Each of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs is related to a characteristic animal.

New Year's card(formal)

New Year's card(formal)

"丑" means an ox.

New Year's card(formal)

Seven Deities of Good Fortune

New Year's card(formal)


New Year's card(formal/unformal)

New Year's card

New Year's card

New Year's card
Amabie (アマビエ) is a Yokai(specter) in Japanese folklore, who emerged from the sea in Higo Province (Kumamoto Prefecture) and prophesied  abundant harvest for the next six years and an epidemic. The yokai instructed that people should draw an image of it and share it with as many people as possible in order to forestall the disease.
 The story was printed in the kawaraban(woodblock-printed bulletins) come out in 1846.

New Year's card

Photograph courtesy of the Main Library, Kyoto University - Amabie
(kawaraban come out in 1846)

New Year's card(formal)

Akabeko (red cow) is a traditional toy from the Aizu region in Fukushima Prefecture.
People believed that the red color could expel evil and that the toys could prevent children from contracting smallpox and other illnesses.

New Year's card(formal)

New Year's card(unformal)

New Year's card(unformal)

New Year's card(unformal)